yes i m back.....
"life teaches you to loose but it also teaches you how not to be a looser".....
so y shud i bother about a silly friend,.......let him go man.
he is a looser because he lost me.......and he is gonna regret it.
i was polite to him and loyal as well......i did nthng wrong.....
i never lied to him......i was frank and as much honest as i can be....
so i have done nothing wrong.....so its for him 2 regret not me.......
we decide our own courses of actions,not others.....and i will never let anybody 2 play with my life....
you are not authorised to tresspass into my life........yeah its my life.....and i am gonna live it to its extreme limit......oh yeah.......i am back........
so cheers......
"he can be she and him can be her,suit yourself"